Date, Time and Location of Accident
- A 3 hour time limit on taking breath samples starts from the time of the accident
Identity of the accused as Driver
- Questions of driver to establish ID (don’t rely on drivers statements to prove ID, as they must be voluntary)
- Which vehicle were you driving?
- What time did the accident happen?
- How did the accident happen?
- Are you injured?
- Have you had anything to eat or drink since the accident?
- Who was in the car with you?
- Civilian Statements (see hyperlink)
- Consider obtain recording of 911 call
- Ownership papers
- Keys in vehicle or in possession of accused
- Injuries
- Particularly seat-belt bruises can place person in drivers seat
- Trigger of Airbag
- DNA on Airbag if multiple people in vehicle
- If the Driver Flees
- FLIR of seats for # of occupants
- Dog track
- Description of suspect compared to witness descriptions
- Was a second unit called to investigate the accident so the impaired investigation could proceed “without delay”
- Who secured the accident scene
- Was the scene photograph
Collision with conscious accused transported to hospital
Collision with unconscious accused transported to hospital
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