The following questions are commonly asked of impaired drivers.
These questions may be asked before the Charter if the officer is using them to help formulate their opinion about whether the driver was impaired by drugs or alcohol, or if the observed indicators have a legitimate explanation. Case law would suggest the drivers answer to these question are NOT admissible as evidence of impairment.
These questions may be asked after the Charter and access to counsel, if the officer wants to rule out any defense that the accused may offer. The answer to these questions MIGHT be admissible if they can be proven to be voluntary.
- What time did you have your first drink?
- When did you have your last drink?
- What time do you think it is now?
- What were you drinking?
- How much have you had to drink?
- Where were you drinking?
- Do you have any medical problems? (check for medical alert bracelet or necklace)
- Are you under a physicians care?
- Are you taking any prescribed medications
- If so what was it, how much did you take when did you last take it?
- Are you a diabetic? (check for medical alert bracelet or necklace)
- If so, are you taking insulin?
- When did you have your last meal?
- What did you have to eat?
- Do you have any physical disabilities?
- How far have you driven?
- Are there any mechanical defects with the vehicle?
- Do you have access to other vehicles? (work, family)
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