The following is a list of some of the most common indicators of impairment. The number and severity of these indicators will help the officer articulate the formation of their opinion, and whether they had determined on the continuum, reasonable grounds to suspect, or reasonable grounds to believe
This list is suggests some general descriptions that may be applicable to the specific situation. Each officer will need to give specific objective observations in regard to these general descriptions in order to be articulate.
Some officer use the following words to describe the severity of symptoms observed.
- Mild
- Moderate
Symptoms (Indicators)
- Driving
- Common Infractions
- Speed (too fast, too slow)
- Fail to signal (turns, lane changes)
- Weaving (objectivley describe the severity of the weaving) I could use a link to sample descriptions?
- within lane
- crosses into another lane
- crosses into path of oncoming traffic
- Traffic Signs and Signals
- Fails to stop for red light or stop sign
- Stops for green
- delays proceeding on green light
- Difficulty stopping
- time, distance to respond to police lights/siren
- parking, – distance/angle from curb
- Common Infractions
- Odour of Liquor
- Make effort to separate the odour inside the vehicle from the odour emitted from the accused. Include observations outside of vehicle.
- Speech
- Slurred
- Mumbling
- Slower or faster than normal speech
- Balance
- Could not stand unsupported
- describe number of times and what the accused would use to steady themselves
- would weave from side to side while standing
- describe the number and severity of accused balance issues objectivley
- Emotions
- laughing and joking (apparently unconcerned)
- crying
- angry – abusive
- Physical
- Eyes
- glassy/ watery
- bloodshot
- determined slow blinking
- pupils – ???
- Alertness /Awareness
- sleeping/passed out
- detail efforts to rouse
- had trouble keeping eyes open
- droopy – sleepy looking eyes
- produced wrong documents – no awareness
- Did the accused appear aware of the situation?
- ie seriousness, injuries, damage, other parties involved, ask other driver for details etc.
- what did they say, do or NOT do to support this conclusion?
- sleeping/passed out
- Body movements
- Slow and determined body movement
- eyes don’t move together with head movements
- Eyes