Every one who, by deceit, falsehood or other fraudulent means, whether or not it is a false pretence within the meaning of this Act, defrauds the public or any person, whether ascertained or not, of any property, money, or valuable security, or any service,
- (a) is guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to a term of imprisonment not exceeding fourteen years, where the subject-matter of the offence is a testamentary instrument or where the value of the subject-matter of the offence exceeds five thousand dollars; or
- (b) is guilty
- (i) of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or
- (ii) of an offence punishable on summary conviction,
- where the value of the subject-matter of the offence does not exceed five thousand dollars.
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